NtechLab & FindFace
in the media

NtechLab announces the opening of local offices in two cities in the United Arab Emirates. In the UAE the company will be focusing on public sector, projects for the needs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, banking sector and services for shopping malls and retail chains. The presence in Abu Dhabi and Dubai is expected to help NtechLab take up a significant share of the computer vision market in the UAE.

Biometric Update

NtechLab is trumpeting its success in the recent Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) from the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), in which the company’s facial recognition algorithm was found to have the highest biometric matching accuracy ever in three different categories of the 1:1 Verification benchmark. The algorithm from NtechLab scored the lowest error rate in the Visa Photos, Visa Border and Border Photos categories, and second for the Mugshot Photos database. The company says it has also tested in the top three for efficiency in identifying people wearing masks.


Some vendors and users of facial recognition say the technology works well enough on masked faces. «We can identify a person wearing a balaclava, or a medical mask and a hat covering the forehead,» says Artem Kuharenko, founder of NtechLab. He says that the company has experience with face masks through contracts in southeast Asia, where masks are worn to curb colds and flu.


Many dating site and app operators want to ensure the authenticity of the people signing up for their services because, unfortunately, a significant number of online daters have been catfished by scammers pretending to be someone they’re not. Dating platforms can help give users more peace of mind thanks to FindFace, a facial recognition software that can authenticate user photos and videos. Unlike similar software, FindFace can identify users in databases of thousands — or millions — of faces.


NtechLab’s CEO Alex Minin discusses the possibilities of the implementation of recognition technologies in the cities of the future. “There is no way to abandon or avoid facial recognition. The police force is costly and does not bring added value, so ideally, the ration policemen/general population should be as low as possible. We pay for the police force, so let’s minimise it. If they have the right tools, this can be done” - he told Sputnik.

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